Dead air tier 4
Dead air tier 4

dead air tier 4 dead air tier 4

Fw190s should try to stay fast and avoid while setting up BnZ attacks.Īlternately fly a Ho 229 and turbo-troll the British all day. In a 109 you should aim to keep Griffons down low and exploit your vertical maneuverability, especially using WEP (You still hld a little edge under these conditions). Late model Spitfires are a difficult enemy for the 109- The Griffon engine finally shaved away the speed advantage the 109s usually held over Spitfires. Griffons generally gain more advantage on you the higher you fly unless you're using a Ta152, while the now uncommon LF Mk IX and F. At low level your only edge is roll rate in the 190 and climb rate in the 109.

dead air tier 4

The Doras and 109s do however have superior altitude performance, so if you can drag Tempests up high (More than 5000m should do it) you can outperform them. The Germans are capable combatants in all situations but their tier 4 props are generally somewhat inferior to Tempests at low altitude. Which bothers you more, Tempests or Spitfires? I cant seem to out pace, out climb or out dive anyone. Is anyone having struggles on tier 4 German? overtiering issue perhaps? Germans dont have a plane that does anything better then the Brits. Tier 4 Germans vs Britian is a reall challenge.

dead air tier 4

So i have apretty good grasp on how they handle and the tactics used to be productive, however. I have always flown German on most flight sims i have played. Here's how you should be flying German fighters: I suggest you learn to fight in the vertical, where Germany's superior energy retention gives you a decisive advantage against every other nation. If you find yourself with the energy advantage it doesn't take much to bleed your opponent of what little they have in comparison. That's how most engagements go down with Germany. I did the same for two of my team mates later that same game. I managed to evade them both for a solid 2-3 minutes until my team mate rocked up in a Ta152 and downed them both in a single pass. That's me in the Dora, bingo energy, with a griffon Spitfire and a Tempest II dead on my tail. With enough skill you should be able to stay out of their gun sights by keeping your belly mirrored to theirs almost indefinitely, allowing an ally to zoom in and down them while they're locked onto your tail. As someone mentioned, your roll rate is vastly superior.

Dead air tier 4