Banish the Wicked: Gain additional Ultimate when killing undead and Daedric enemies.Slayer: Increases Weapon and Spell Power when attacking undead and Daedric enemies.Intimidating Presence: Allows players to use the Intimidate option during conversations with certain NPCs.Trap Beast: Creates a trap that deals Magic Damage and immobilizes target, undead and Daedra are dealt additional fire damage.Expert Hunter: Grants 20% chance to deal additional damage to Daedric and undead enemies on hit, killing Daedric or undead increases duration.Circle of Protection: Creates an area of protection increasing armor and spell resistance, grants additional armor and resistance from Daedric and undead enemies.Silver Leash (Morph Ability): Activate again to pull enemy to you.Silver Shards (Morph Ability): Hits 2 additional targets.Chance to banish undead and Daedra for additional damage. Silver Bolts: Ranged attack deals physical damage.Dawnbreaker: Deals damage to targets in front of the player, does extra damage to Daedric and undead.

Under the Province Generals, Provosts lead each guild hall located in the towns and cities the guild operates in, while Hall Stewards of each Guild Hall make sure each hall and its members are looked after.ĭark Anchors in Tamriel ( Dark Anchor dailies)įighters Guild Skills Ultimate abilities

The Province Generals all hold council as to how the guild should be run at a provincial level. Each province in Tamriel where the guild makes its presence meanwhile is headed by a Province General who handles business in the province in the Guildmaster's stead. Generally, the Guildmaster leads the entire Fighters Guild. Under the new leadership, the Guild has been contracted by an influential patron to focus its forces entirely against the forces of Molag Bal and the destruction of the Dark Anchors, arousing much controversy among the members. After his death, the leadership falls to an Argonian named Sees-All-Colors. During the events of The Elder Scrolls Online, the Fighters Guild was lead by Jofnir Iceblade.